Regenerative solutions to positively affect planet people & profit
Below you can find a list of regenerative solutions included in our network. All products and services adhere to regenerative ethical guidlines.
Venturis Horeca | food waste
Service reduces food waste in restaurants 10-15%, schools/cantinas up to 50%.
Region: Global
Payout: Variable 70/30 Split
Time Period: 1 week after invoice payment
Natural materials unlimited | hemp products
There are 50000 uses of hemp. Lets start by replacing household products (even including dog accessories)
Region: Global
Payout: 14% of invoice
Time Period: 1 week after invoice payment
Xfaang | It Outsourcing
Don’t get screwed by inept programmers again. Go with the best.
Region: Global
Payout: 7% of invoice
Time Period: 2-3 days after invoice payment